Due to recent and ongoing funding changes by Whaikaha, some statements on this site may currently be out of date. Our team can clarify any queries.

Alternative Funding Sources

What are Alternative Funding Sources?

Individualised Funding allows for some item purchases to be made using the funding. Part of the criteria is that it cannot be funded through an Alternative Funding Source, an alternative funding source is considered the most appropriate funding stream available to cover the costs of the item you wish to purchase. For example Enable or Accessable are the equipment providers in New Zealand, you must source funding from these organisations first, before your Individualised Funding could be used to cover the costs.

Equipment/ Housing Modifications

AccessAble (Auckland/Northland)
For all equipment and housing modifications for Auckland and Northland, contact Accessability. https://www.accessable.co.nz/solutions-we-provide

Enable (remainder of country)
For all equipment and housing modifications for the rest of the country South of Auckland, contact Enable https://www.enable.co.nz/services/equipment-for-disabled-people/

Employment/Workforce Modifications

Workbridge are an organisation that help disabled people into employment opportunities. https://www.workbridge.co.nz

Sport & Recreation

Halberg Foundation
Halberg Activity Fund grants are provided to enable physically disabled young people, aged 5-21, to participate in sport and recreation by reducing financial barriers.

Applications can be made by or on behalf of a physically disabled young person and can be submitted for the following categories:

  1. Equipment - Either the adaptation of equipment or the purchase of disability specific equipment
  2. Lessons and/or Coaching - This could be group or individual lessons/coaching to enable participation
  3. Camps – Additional costs associated with a physically disabled young person attending a camp. Eligible costs include a support person & adapted accommodation


Lottery Grants

Lotteries Foundation

Lottery Individuals with Disabilities funds vehicles, vehicle modifications, scooters, assistance dogs and other mobility equipment, that will enable better access to the community.

It also provides grants to people with disabilities that affect their communication, to buy equipment to help them communicate. https://www.communitymatters.govt.nz/lottery-individuals-with-disabilities/

Work & Income NZ (WINZ)

Disability Allowance is a weekly payment from Work and Income for people who have regular, ongoing costs because of a disability. https://www.govt.nz/browse/health/financial-help/disability-allowance/

Seeing a Specialist after a DHB/GP Referral

When you see a specialist, you’ll visit a medically trained and registered healthcare professional in that field of medicine. In most cases, you need to visit your General Practitioner (GP) first so they can refer you. https://www.govt.nz/browse/health/gps-and-prescriptions/seeing-a-specialist/

NZ Government Additional Financial Support

If you have a disability or illness you might be able to get an allowance, subsidy or loan to help with your expenses. Financial assistance is available for all citizens. https://www.govt.nz/browse/health/financial-help/financial-help-for-people-with-disabilities/

Healthcare over 65
If you get NZ Super or a Veteran’s Pension, and you have a disability or health concern, you can apply for financial help or use services provided by the government to meet your health needs. https://www.govt.nz/browse/health/financial-help/government-help-with-healthcare-over-65/