Due to recent and ongoing funding changes by Whaikaha, some statements on this site may currently be out of date. Our team can clarify any queries.

Tax Returns and ACC

I received an ACC invoice - what’s this for?

There are two types of invoices you can get from ACC:

ACC WorkPlace Cover

The Workplace Cover for employees invoice is for the ACC employer levvy contribution. You will need to send a copy of any invoices to Manawanui, we will pay it on your behalf and deduct the cost from your funding.

C/- Manawanui
PO Box 83
Albany Village
Auckland 0755

To get future invoices sent to Manawanui directly, call ACC on 0800 729 538 or email collections@acc.co.nz and ask them to review and make the following changes to your account if incorrect on the invoice:

  • Confirm the WorkPlace Cover for employees Calssification Unit (CU) is 97000 Private households employing staff. It is is showing as any other code, ask ACC to update the BIC code to be S960120.

  • Request a 30 day collections hold so Manawanui can get a copy of the invoice and make payment.

  • Please contact ACC and request to change the mailing address for your WorkPlace Cover policy. This change will ensure Manawanui will receive all future invoices directly and prevent any delays in payment. Your Self-employed ACC CoverPlus policy must have your postal address assigned to it. Please contact ACC and make sure your address details are up to date.

If you are a payroll client and you would like Manawanui to manage your ACC WorkPlace cover invoices, please contact us directly to make this request. We will send you the necessary documents to get this underway. 

Note: If you have a self-employed policy, we will not access your account, this is due to privacy rules. If you have a self-employed policy and we are linked to your account, please contact us so we can remove our access.

ACC CoverPlus

The ACC CoverPlus for self-employed invoice is for any self-employed earnings you have files to IRD for yourself. This invoice is to be paid to ACC directly by yourself and not Manawanui. Please contact ACC directly on 0800 222 776 if you have any questions or visit www.acc.co.nz/invoicing for more information.

Depending on your postal address settings you have with ACC, Manawanui may get this invoice, which we will advise ACC to repost to your address. 

I received an IR3 form, what do I do?

If you are receiving Individualised Funding and have no other income to declare to Inland Revenue, then you do not need to make a tax return.

You can use this template response to send to IRD.